Operating a Bison Ranch RSS
1976-Year 1 of Mom's Ranch Diary

Read our Ranch Diary Mom has written about the day to day operations of the ranch for the past 50 years.
December 1975
Sunday, December 14, 1975-Sunday School Christmas program at 3 pm
Monday, December 15, 1975-Rachel's Christmas concert at middle school. We all went and enjoyed much. She was so excited about it.
Tuesday, December 16, 1975-Mom, Pam & I went to high school concert. Very good. Had lunch at Mobile. Sure was cold out. 25 below.
Wednesday, December 17, 1975-Cold again. things are frosted over & so beautiful! John & Betty were over. Gave us a pointsetta plant. We ordered carpeting from United Hardware.
Thursday, December 18, 1975-Worked at sale barn. They had their big feed today. Many people. We had drinks after sale. Rachel stayed with Alinders. Rob stayed overnight at Mom's.
Friday, December 19, 1975-Bruce went to sale to work. I carried on at home & did house cleaning. Washed some walls.
Saturday, December 20, 1975-John & Tim were over to help Bruce Worbex the cows. They really do look good. Shopped in town.
Sunday, December 21, 1975-Churched. Mom & I drove to Aberdeen to shop. Coffee'd at Ginny's & got home at 6. Bruce broke gas tank on snowmobile.
Monday, December 22, 1975-Bruce was at Dad's helping on the machine shed.
Tuesday, December 23, 1975-Did Mom's houw cleaning for her. Very enjoyable. Bruce helped Dad work on the new building after his Dr. appt. for life ins.
Wednesday, December 24, 1975-Made 2 vegetable casseroles to take to Moms. Ate at 7. Cal & Arlene, G & G, Carol & Wayne were there. Home again at 11 to get ready for Santa.
Thursday, December 25, 1975-Opened gifts from Iowa & Santa. Morning was short. Mom, Dad, Carol & Wayne & kids came over in evening.
Friday, December 26, 1975-Bruce worked. Went to Pub that night. Schulz band played. Jim & Jan were out. It was a big crowd. Talked to June & Judy.
Saturday, December 27, 1975-Mom, Pam, Carol & I are singing at church so we practiced. Went to Sylvia's for coffee. Marie, Deb, Angie & Jan were there also. Bruce went to game in Aberdeen with Dad, Tim & Carol. Wayne's team won.
Sunday, December 28, 1975-Sang at church. All Hanson's gathered at Darby's for dinner. Em & kids came home with me. Guys were Mobiling.
Monday, December 29, 1975-Was in town to shop. Stopped at Sammy's for coffee. Ember is sick. Made meatball hors-d'oeuvres for party. Very nice day.
Tuesday, December 30, 1975-Did some wash & cleaned all rugs. Getting ready for party. Did more baking today. Mom stopped for coffee.
Wednesday, December 31, 1975-Did last minute preparing for party. Bruce paid Howard N. Party started about 8. 29 attending. Danced up a storm. Good time. Bed at 4 am. Jeff lost glasses.
January 1976
Thursday, January 1, 1976-Got the girls at Moms. Went to G & G after dinner. Storming on the way home. I was so scared driving Wrote to Karen. Jeff lost his glasses last night.
Friday, January 2, 1976-Not much to do since the storm. It's pretty decent out tho. About 6 inches of new snow. Really the first we've had. Roads are terrible I hear. Supper at Mom's for Jim & Jan are here.
Saturday, January 3, 1976-Bruce worked the sale. Very cold today. Stayed home and tucked in tight. Supposed to get sown to 30 below. Wayne played Cresbard in Aberdeen.
Sunday, January 4, 1976-Skipped church, too cold to get moving. Coffee'd at Blockers in the afternoon. Got stuck coming home.
Monday, January 5, 1976-Rachel went back to school after vacation. Wrote some letters. Bruce worked horse sale til 10 pm. Benson's brought feed. Wind chill.
Tuesday, January 6, 1976-22 below. Wind chill in the 60-65 below. No school-blizzarding. Worked tax papers most of the day. Dad stopped for coffee. Paul Bergers funeral today.
Wednesday, January 7, 1976-22 blow. Waterer south froze up. Robin & I went to dentist. She had one filled & a molar pulled. Shopped in town. Got paint & groc. Painting living room & kitchen tomorrow. Mom's helping.
Thursday, January 8, 1976-Mom came over to help paint. Robbie spent day at Sammy's. Worked until 12 that night. Paint job looks good. Very cold-west wind.
Friday, January 9, 1976-Cowbells at Sammy's-cancelled. Got house back in order. Took all day. Cleaned up paint jobs. John & Betty were over at night. Warming today.
Saturday, January 10, 1976-Wake up to 4 in. of new fluffy snow. Tough to get through. Nice day tho. Went to Pub. Sun's of the West played. Home at 1:30.
Sunday, January 11, 1976-Chored & Churched. Coffe'd at Dad & Mom's. Drifting quite a bit. Bruce was pushing snow again.
Monday, January 12, 1976-Riding Club card party at Delno's. Played 8 tables of whist. Good turnout. Pam babysat. Finished painting Rachel's room. Nice weather.
Tuesday, January 13, 1976-Bruce & Richard left for Fargo at 9 am. Timing chain went out on our pickup so they stayed overnight at Bucklands. Tim came over that night to help me fix wire on cows stacks. Wrote Carol.
Wednesday, January 14, 1976-Mom stopped for coffee. She got stuck while leaving. Chores are going fine. Bruce got home at 6 pm. New 4-wheel drive!! Went to Richards that night.
Thursday, January 15, 1976-Hanging pictures today. Carpet isn't in yet. Called Arlene at store to say Happy B. Bruce worked at sale till 8:30. Did some baking.
Friday, January 16, 1976-Was in town till 1 getting pickup license and inspection. Lunched at sale barn. Did a once over on the house cleaning. Sam & Don came for a visit that night. Wrote to Karen.
Saturday, January 17, 1976-Bruce went to Richards & then snowmobiled to Dads. I work on living room curtains most of pm. John B stopped with mail. Stayed home at night. Letter from Karen.
Sunday, January 18, 1976-Pub was broken into last night. Stacks fell over on calves. Drug 2 out. All ok. didn't get into Sunday School to teach. Crew came over to celebrate Arlene & Brian's birthdays.
Monday, January 19, 1976-Snowstorm. No school. Spent most of am on tax work again. Mom & Dad stopped for coffee in pm.
Tuesday, January 20, 1976-Carpet layers came at 10 am. House was in an uproar all day. Bruce & Rob were to town. All carpet was in except kitchen by 5:30. Wrote Karen
Wednesday, January 21, 1976-7:30 meeting with Altoff. Bruce was at meeting & afterwards fixed a hitch for new pickup at GI school. Novstrip's cam over for a visit that night. Was at Richard's for dinner.
Thursday, January 22, 1976-Bruce worked sale. Did cleaning & washing most of the day. Got Amy.
Friday, January 23, 1976-Tim & Richard helped load calves. Sold 56 head. Did fair!! Pam drove out to check out my carpet. Mom & Dad came over for coffee & pie also.
Saturday, January 24, 1976-Work for Doris. Worked from 9-1:30. Shopped. Tim was over and suppered with us. Worked on kitchen floors filling cracks. Darlene had baby Cory Lee.
Sunday, January 25, 1976-Churched. Had congregational meeting. Coffee'd with Pam at Mom's. They weren't home. Son's of the West played at Pub.
Monday, January 26, 1976-Pretty chilly again today. 10 below. Bruce cleared out road to barn again to get at the bales. Did bookwork most of afternoon.
Tuesday, January 27, 1976-Rachel's conference 3:45. Kitchen linoleum came today. Bruce was looking for cattle with Calvin Hove. Stock Growers booth is open at Crop Show. Finished up tax work tonight.
Wednesday, January 28, 1976-No school because of conferences. Dad is shearing 40 head of sheep. Weaned 6 late calves. Crying babies!!
Thursday, January 29, 1976-Bruce worked at sale barn. Truck came out & got 6 cows we sold. Had to help load. Melted alot today.
Friday, January 30, 1976-Chored up and went to Watertown to talk to PCA. Home by 3:30. Roads were icy going south. Pam went to Minneapolis for optometrist convention.
Saturday, January 31, 1976-Very nice weather. Melting off roof. Cleaned basement once again. Bruce & girls were in town in am.
February 1976
Sunday, February 1, 1976-Chored & Churched. Bruce & Tim snowmobiled at Richard's. I & girls coffee'd at Joe & Gladys'. Took milk to them.
Monday, February 2, 1976-Washed clothes. Made some pillows out of leftovers. Snowmobiled to get Rachel, but missed her. Bruce worked horse sale til 10 pm.
Tuesday, February 3, 1976-Benson's brought feed. Storming by 10 am. Ran in & got groceries & picked up Rachel. School is let out at 2 pm. Glad we got Rachel home early. Wayne won another game 92-69.
Wednesday, February 4, 1976-Mom didn't write anything!!??
Thursday, February 5, 1976-Bruce worked sale. Did extra cooking & baking. Sewed some pillows for fireplace & made a flowerpot cover.
Friday, February 6, 1976-Did cleaning & baking to prepare for weekend. Bruce got home at 5 pm from sale. Folks arrived at 9 pm. Roads were getting blocked & blowing alot.
Saturday, February 7, 1976-Took the girls to town with Grandma P. Did some shopping. To celebrate Bryan's 15th birthday, we all went to eat at Pub. Mom, Dad, Bryan, Pam & Blockers joined us. Played cards here afterwards.
Sunday, February 8, 1976-Churched & Coffee'd at Mobile. Home for big dinner. Folks left at 3:30.
Monday, February 9, 1976-Riding Club-Trustees at church 6:30. Grandpa & Grandma, Mom & Dad were here for coffee. Pd Grandpa for hay. Bruce was at Benson Feed meeting all day. Meetings at church that night.
Tuesday, February 10, 1976-Rich, Tim & Brett were here for dinner. Bruce went with them to look for a farmhand for Rich. Rope Club meeting at 7:30. Wayne won game.
Wednesday, February 11, 1976-Bruce went to Richards to get hood for Farmhand. Roger G. stopped to use phone. Rich was here for supper. He used our pickup until his is fixed.
Thursday, February 12, 1976-Was at Mom's from 9-6 to help clean. Fun day. Brian gave us a ride home & ate with us. Bruce got back from sale at 7:30.
Friday, February 13, 1976-PCA at 2 pm. Shopped in town. Talked with Pam. She's made of honor at Corinne Wooley wedding on the 14th. Don Hagen stopped. PCA here until 3:30. Bruce helped Batie brand cows at sale barn in morning.
Saturday, February 14, 1976-Riding club get together at Legion for Valentine's Day. Did baking. Madonna stopped to get milk for Joe's. Went to Legion at night. Heidi babysat.
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